Hi. SO I haven't posted in over a year, but this morning my brother Adam (who lives in Seattle and doesn't have facebook) pestered me about not blogging and said he wanted to see more of my little apartment and my stuff. Eventually I gave in and promised to put together a blog of odds and ends around my home.
Life has been marching on along since I last blogged. The biggest update is that I will be starting grad school in the fall at California College of the Arts. Jesse and I are still living in Half Moon Bay and enjoying every day of it.
This is a photo from the waterfalls at Big Basin that Jesse and I went to a few months ago. Gorgeous area and lots of wild orchids.

Also, a crab having his last drink before we threw him in the boiling water.
As some of you know, I just can't resist a good garage sale or thrift store and have trouble resisting a strange find. It's all about digging for treasure. These are some of my new additions and a closer look at some of my favorites.
In the kitchen: ceramic tractor ashtray (I think) on the wall, owl dish and ceramic mussel s&p shakers.
Wooden shaving mirror, and my new treasure is this wooden handyman carrying case I found in Ben Lomond, I think it is for nails and screws and things, there is paint splatters on the side. The owl on top is a bottle opener and the monkey in the middle is a tea infuser.
Despite our living space being so compact, we also live with 3 large carboys which Jesse uses for brewing. The carboy on the right is full of hard cider for this summer's festivities. Can't wait!
And of course Oliver is everywhere. New little potholder from Senior Coastsider's Thrift Store.
Top of the little shelf that divides the "bedroom" from the kitchen. In the front you can see the new air plant in a shell Jesse got me for my birthday. Also cool new red rocks and other things that seem to collect in this spot.
Oliver is now busy getting cat hair all over my bed and lazily attacking my legs when I walk by.
I finally got around to painting my garage sale and thrift store chairs. Jesse is not wild about my color choice and thinks our apartment looks like Disneyland but I think they are fun. I am too young to take my living space seriously, actually, maybe I never will.
On the left, a small patinaed sconce. This is the corner wedge of the apartment next to the bed. Homemade yellow curtains, family, painting, ukulele, hat, big stack of art books, life is good.
A view across the width of the apartment from the wedge where the wall and ceiling meet.
Yup, so this is pretty much all of our apartment. On the right is a cool star light Tristan and Kaisa gave us. Paintings, dishes and books, Tom Petty poster.
A true treasure, I love this pigeon toed mug from Jerome, Arizona. On the right, Aliyah's banjo that Jesse has been borrowing and the red box is a cigar box amp that Jesse made.
A large wooden beaded dream catcher above our bed, also from Arizona.
Jesse's bottle cap magnet board in the kitchen (this is not the entire collection, just the ones that fit).
Now for all of the little plants going on! Here is one of the window boxes.
This is where I do the planting on my little deck.
New plants on the deck and steps. New cute little bonsai tree from Geri on the left, and on the right, what Jesse calls my sunny-side-up flowers.
New trio of succulents hanging on the railing and a new treasure of and old tea kettle on the bottom step. Also, boots with big holes through the bottoms made perfect planters for these little purple pansies.
And that concludes the tour of our little home sweet home.
Adam, I don't know what else you want me to take pictures of.
Signing out, here is Oliver's current location.